16 October 2024: Took part in the Bayesian Methods for Social Sciences Workshop, including giving a tutorial on Bayesian demographic estimation. Materials are here.
27 August 2024: Paper in Staistics in Medicine with Michael Chong and Marija Pejchinovska on estimating causes of maternal death.
1 July 2024: An interview with Adrian Raftery about the history of the UN probabilistic population projections was published in Demographic Research.
27 June 2024: Commentary with Matt Kiang on motivating better methods for measuring prevalence of drug misuse published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
4 May 2024: Paper in JAMA led by Ben Schluter on parental loss in the US due to drugs and firearms.
April 2 2024: Paper in JRSS Series C led by Michael Chong on estimating the timing of stillbirths in countries worldwide .
13 February 2024: Paper in Demographic Research led by Lindsay Katz on using Facebook data to measure short-term mobility
15 December 2023:Paper in Demographic Research on estimating Rogers-Castro migration schedules in a Bayesian Framework, to accompany our R package, rcbayes.
6 October 2023:New preprint on jointly estimating subnational mortality for multiple populations, led by Ameer Dharamshi.
7 September 2023: Presented on model selection issues in Bayesian Demography at BSPS in the session on Data science: estimation and forecasting.
21 August 2023: Presented on a Bayesian misclassification framework to adjust abortion incidence estimates at ASA. A preprint is here.